The Luigi Mangione thread on the LPSG (a widely-accepted acronym for “Large Penis Support Group") started innocently enough. Or at least as innocently as any post on a Large Penis Support Group about an alleged assassin can be. (The LPSG is an online forum where, according to TikTok comments, “literally any attractive person with a following has [a page]”; mainly, it’s people with a penis, but you’ll find the sporadic Bonnie Blue thread there, too.)
But that innocence began to wobble on Saturday, when one user claimed, via photographic evidence, that Mangione (or Lulu, as he’s often affectionately called in the forum) actually does respond to his prison mail. “Please don’t worry about my circumstances,” reads Mangione’s alleged response. “I’m fine here. I’m very low maintenance, and most importantly, humans are born resilient.”
This immediately caught another user’s attention. “Are those letters real? If so, someone please tell Lulu to trace his erect cock on a piece of paper and cum on it [praying emoji].”
A heated debate quickly ensued that shows no signs of slowing down more than three days later. The question on everyone’s minds: Is it okay to ask an inmate to send sexual content to a stranger, or is it just weird?
Opinions are very split. “If you won’t touch grass for its own sake, then do it for Luigi,” begged gregregious. “He has enough problems without having a bunch of deranged gooners sexually harassing him through the mail.” WorshipTheMale, however, blamed our conservative society more than those thirsting for a glimpse of Mangione’s dick. “If we lived in a less prudish society then we could normalize such anatomical requests,” he argued. “It’s not creepy to want to see everyone’s genitals — and even if it is, then try redefining it into a positive thing, because it benefits none of us to shame those who admire nudity and nudity-adjacent things.”
Of course, more constructive ways of showing support for an inmate than requesting a dick pic do exist. For instance, Lulu’s fans and aficionados can donate to his official legal fund, which so far has raised roughly $370,000 out of its $500,000 goal.
That said, even that isn’t free of dick-pic talk. “I checked Luigi’s legal fund and found this anonymous donor,” an LPSG user wrote on Monday, sharing a screenshot of the donor comment section. “Which one of you guys wrote this? Lol”
Donating five bucks to Lulu’s cause, the anonymous donor quipped, “I was told this was his OnlyFans?”